Discover Primary Science

Popularity of STEM subjects driving Irish SMEs - 3D Technology

Discover Primary Science and Maths | Science Foundation Ireland

This year S N Naomh Feidhlim  have been participating in the Discover Primary Science and Maths Programme (DPSM). The DPSM programme is part of Science Foundation Ireland’s Education and Public Engagement Programme, which aims to increase interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) among students, teachers and members of the public. The first level of the Award is the SFI Certificate of STEM, which will award our school’s engagement with STEM. We have achieved great success during this period, especially in our 5th classes,  creating a culture of curiosity, inquiry, innovation and fun!  Well done to all the pupils and teachers for all their work!

Please click on the Discover Primary Science tabs above to check out some pics and videos of our great STEM work!



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