September  2024

Principal:  Mrs.  Anne Donnellan

Deputy Principal:  Mr. Paul Tighe

HSCL: Ms.  Vanessa Brady

Phone Number: (049) 4332366

Email: office@stfelimsnscavan.ie

Number of children enrolled: 276

Roll Number 17326B

Facebook: St. Felim’s NS Cavan Facebook

Board of Management

Mr. Michael Geelan, Chairperson

Fr. Kevin Fay,  Bishop’s Representative

Mrs. Anne Donnellan,  Secretary

Mr. Ger Finn, Treasurer

Mr. Noel Burke, Community Representative

Mr. Alan Brady, Parent Nominee

Ms. Paula Farrell, Parent Nominee

Mr. Paul Tighe, Staff Representative

The Role of the Board of Management is to manage the school on behalf of the patron and for the benefit of the students and their parents and to provide or cause to be provided an appropriate education for each student at the school for which that board has responsibility.



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