
It is all systems go here in St. Felim’s NS with Swimming and Gymnastic lessons for 6th classes, visits to the local library for all classes and nature walks when weather allows.

We have a Basketball coach in on Wednesdays and after school Art Club, GAA Football and Hurling taking place.  Soccer leagues begin next week also.




School re-opens for all children on Wednesday 28th August at 9am, with our new incoming 2nd Class invited to come in at 9:30am on the first morning.  Have a lovely Summer! 

Message from Anne Donnellan, Principal.

We have reached the end of the school year 2023/24, and for some of you it is the end of your school journey in St. Felim’s NS.  We will miss you, Speech and Language students and 6th Class boys and we wish you well in the future.

It has been another busy term in school weeks since our Easter holidays.

The boys in 6th class made their Confirmation and 2nd Class their First Holy Communion and Sacrament of Reconciliation. Every class travelled on a trip this year, from the cinema to Funtasia and Dublin.

We had success on the soccer pitch (FAI Schools 5-aside, Runners-Up), success on the running track (Silver medalist), success in handball (Community Games All Ireland Champion) and the school Rounders team won the Cumann na mBunscol Rounders Championship!

In academic circles, our quiz team, made the All-Ireland Finals and represented the school, county and region with pride.

Our spellers completed their levels on Spellings for Me and readers reached targets on Accelerated Reader.

The Pat Ryan Chess Tournament was held with the Perpetual Knight Trophy going to a student in 6th Class.

We had a record number of students attending school this year who missed only 1 day all year and many even had 100% attendance this. Well done to you all.

We have a fantastic school, warm and happy. While not everyone won a certificate, competition or a medal, we all achieved- learning happened and we came to school to a safe and welcomed.

Thank you to the wonderful staff of St Felim’s.  Everyone has a role to play from ensuring you son gets a hot tasty dinner to making sure they learn in a clean, tidy environment- both inside and outside.

Our books, tours, lunches, messages and school equipment all run like clockwork because Susan is superb at all she does.  The SNA’s and teachers love your children and this can be seen in the positive interactions and respect shown in the school.  Thank you teachers and SNA’s for giving so much to our students.

My final words are of thanks to you the parents- you have amazing children!  Thank you for sending your sons to St. Felim’s.  You have given us the opportunity to help them learn, achieve, realise they have potential.  We are delighted to be a partner in your son’s journey of education.  It is a gift and one we don’t take lightly.

School re-opens for all children on Wednesday 28th August at 9am, with our new incoming 2nd Class being welcomed at 9:30am. 


End of term 2 update

Our amazing Quiz Team had huge success this year, so far. Our team consisting of Anneyal, Neeraj, Nohaan from 6th Class and Sameer from 5th Class won the Cavan Credit Union Quiz competition. They continued to great success to win the Regional Competition in Castleblaney, Co Monaghan. They now continue to represent the school in the All-Ireland Finals in the RDS, Dublin during the Easter holidays. We wish the boys all the very best.

We also had further success when 32 boys played in the Ficheall Chess Competition in the Cavan Crystal Hotel.  As a result of their super chess skills shown on the day, 3 teams have been invited to play in the next stage of the competition in April in Longford. We are so proud of the boys and their dedication to a long tradition of chess in the school.

Another group of students who are intrepid readers are involved in a programme called the junior juries. This is where the students read new novels and critique them, in a committee format. Thank you to Cavan Library for sourcing the books and helping us on this journey. Many boys have hit their target on the Accelerated Reader Programme- Keep up the good work!

Gymnastics for the Older Students took place this term and rounded off with a trip to the Sports Complex to use the large inflatable gymnastics track.  Swimming lessons, athletics for 2nd class and boxercise classes continued also. In term 3 we look forward to Basketball, Boxercise, more swimming, athletics for 2nd class and football.

Well done to everyone who participated in After-school clubs and sports; Chess Club, homework club, Computer Coding Club for younger Classes, Soccer Leagues and Gaelic Football for younger students.

Our handball stars travelled to Kingscourt to play in the County Finals. Twelve boys represented the school so competently and we received compliments from the organisers about their wonderful attitudes. Twins, Ehsanullah and Subhanullah from 5th Class went on to win the Ulster competition and compete in the All-Irelands, beating all provinces convincingly.  This story was picked up by the Anglo Celt, our Local Newspaper, who published an article in their paper. In turn, RTE News found out about the story.  What an exciting week we had preparing!  After great anticipation, it was inclused on the RTE News bulletions  on Friday 1st March. As it was a Snow-Day, and school was closed, we were all confined to home to watch. It was a pity, as it would have been great fun to watch the News as a school together.

We have had 3 large language assemblies. In January, we welcomed parents and families of students who speak Malayalam and celebrated their Indian culture in an assembly and coffee morning. Student whose language is Portuguese spoke about their country and language in February and we were delighted to welcome their families. In March, we celebrated the Irish language and culture. We hope to invite more parents and their families in to school in Term 3 to celebrate their country and language.

Seachtain na Gaeilge was a huge hit in school last week with Irish being spoken and promoted throughout the school. Performances from all classes happened at assemblies. Our Speech and Language Classes stole the show with their songs and moves. They then joined 6th class to perform Na Trí Mhuicín (The Three Little Pigs). We had the “Haka” in Irish, “An Dreolín” the dance, Amhrán na gcupán (the Cup Song), Poems, songs, plays (drámaí). Maith sibh gach duine! Go raibh mile maith agat do na muinteoirí, who had fun-filled Irish language stations in their classrooms.

Admissions NOTICE 2024 2025

Enrolment for September 2024 / 2025 takes place from January 16 2024 until 24 January 2024.  All Application for Enrolment forms must be submitted between those dates.

See www.stfelimsnscavan.ie/enrolment for further details

Enrolment Annual Admissions Notice below.

see enrolment page for further details

Swimming lessons continue on Tuesdays for Ms. Murray’s 5th and on Wednesdays for Ms. Donnellan’s 4th class.

Wonderful signing and dance moves from Mrs. McMahon’s 3rd Class.

Tickets for sale for our Parents’ Association Annual Christmas Draw from the students or call to the school office.  Tickets €2 each or book of 3 for €5.  Lots of lovely prizes.  Draw to take place at our assembly before Christmas.

School Photographer comes to St. Felim’s NS on Tuesday 15 November 2022.  Remember to wear your smile!

Parent – Teacher Meetings 2022 – Letters are going out this week with your child to let you know what day you are welcome to come to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss his progress.  Please complete the slip at the bottom of the letter and return to teacher to confirm your attendance.

Swimming lessons, Coding lessons, GAA and Basketball coaching going on  this term.

Applications for enrolment into St. Felim’s NS for Academic Year 2022 – 2023 will commence on  Monday 31 January 2022.

See enrolment page for ‘Application for Enrolment’ form and to read Annual Admission Notice

Parent-focused public health advice about COVID-19 symptoms 03/11/2021   Please see link below for parent-focused public health advice about COVID-19 symptoms. You may find it useful to circulate to parents as appropriate.   https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/a04fc-advice-for-students-and-their-families/#health-advice-for-parents

Parent/Teacher Meeting 2021

Following  Department  of Education Guidelines with regard to Parent/Teacher Meetings this year your child’s teacher will send you a text message to the phone number we have on record during the Month of November giving you a date and time slot when the teacher will be telephoning you to give you an update on your child’s progress in school this year.

Swimming Lessons continue for 2 of our 6th classes in Cavan Leisure Complex.

Tennis Lessons continue for 3rd Classes and 1 of our 6th classes on Thursdays under the guidance of Coach Mr. Murphy, Cavan Tennis Club.

To mark European Sports Day we will have a Sports Fun Day on Friday 24 September 2021.

Book lists have been given out.  You can pay by Visa Debit by clicking on the Pay Now logo above.

NEW  POSTER  COMPETITION  click on the links below

design competition poster for schools

poster competition information sheet

IF you change your address, phone number and or email address please notify the school immediately at

office@stfelimsnscavan.ie with the details

School closes for Easter break on Friday 26 March 2021 and re-opens on Monday 12 April 2021.  Have a lovely Easter.

School reopens for all pupils on Monday 15 March 2021 at 9am.

Please complete and return the “Return to School” Declaration Form either on email or bring to school on  Monday morning. see attached form here:  Return to Educational Facility declaration form

Google Classroom up and running – use your log in details given to your in first term.  any issues email secretary@stfelimsnscavan.ie

Free Welcome Back To School, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart LibraryA huge welcome  back to all in our Speech and Language classes and our 2 second classes.   It is wonderful to see you all – teachers and pupils after such a long break.

CHANGES TO CASTLE MEDICAL CENTRE | Medical Centre Castle Hill | Bulk Billing GP'sClick Annual Admission Notice

Click on Enrolment Page / tab above for full details of Application Process and Application form.

Visit of Michael Creed (Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine) - CARRIGANIMA NATIONAL SCHOOL School will be open from 9am to 11.30am on Tuesday 2nd February 2021 to receive completed Enrolment Application Forms.   REMEMBER  Closing date for enrolment  is 2pm on Wednesday 3rd February 2021  to  apply for a place in our school for September 2021.

Monday 11 January 2021 St. Felim’s NS are returning to Google Classroom following Government Guidelines.   Log in using your username and password given out during Term 1.

You can collect your children’s books from St. Felim’s NS at the following days and times.  Social distancing will apply.

Monday 11 January 2021

10am to 11am Ms. McCartin 5AAA from prefab (go to prefab door)

11am – 1pm   All 3rd Classes

1pm to 3pm All 4th Classes

Tuesday 12 January 2021

9am to 9.45am  All 6th classes

11am to 12.45pm  All 2nd  Classes

1pm – 1.45pm  Classes 5A and 5AA  (Mr.  Brady and  Ms. Smith-Lynch)

Check for updates on  Facebook and Instagram see links  below

Parents will be  receiving email with details about online learning.  Keep checking your email inbox and if you change your email address please email secretary@stfelimsnscavan.ie with your child’s name and class or teacher’s name and I will edit your email  address for future messages.

You can use your PS4 or X BOX to go  into Google Classroom – scroll down for instructions 

St. Felim’s is now on social media!!!

Follow us on instagam https://www.instagram.com/p/CII0ZxehPjz/?igshid=u20fjglidv52

and facebook click on links


A Report for Parents from your child’s teacher will be going home with your child week beginning 7 December 2020 – this will be instead of the Parent / Teacher Meetings that we normally hold at this time of year.

We congratulate Ms. Cahill and Mr. Brady on winning their camogie and football matches respectively recently.  We had lots of supporters here in St. Felim’s NS cheering them on.

We all wish them  every success in the next round of the competitions.

COME  ON  CAVAN!!!    WE  CAN  DO  IT!!!!

School re-opens  after  Halloween mid-term  break at 9am on Monday 2 November 2020.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Very important message sent via email to all families today.  If you did not receive the email please email the school with your child’s name and class and we will send it to you.

Click on this link for information regarding the FLU  VACCINE  for children aged 2 to 12.


Important message from School Principal re our re-opening procedures was sent out to all parents via email.  If you did not receive this message please email office@stfelimsnscavan.ie  giving your name and child’s name

School re-opens  on Tuesday 1 September 2020 

Welcome back to all of our students.  It is wonderful to see familiar faces of children (that have grown so much over the past 6 months) and new children too who have come to our school for the first time.  We are all getting used to our new Pods and Bubbles and the staggered breaks and of course SANITISING and SOCIAL  DISTANCING!!!

Although we have decided not to send homework with the children, your children are working very hard in class doing all their subjects and their teacher is renewing their skills with Google Classroom and online learning.  If you have any issues you wish to speak to us about please telephone or email the school to make an appointment.

Click on the link to view our Covid 19 Policy Statement  St. Felim’s NS Covid 19 Policy Statement

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